We are all disappointed with the election. I ask everyone to have heart, contribute to political and humanitarian causes.
When France fell to the Nazis, Lt. General Charles deGaulle announced on the BBC, ‘’We have lost a battle. We have not lost the war.’’
Spring, 1942 was the hardest time in the war for the Allies. The Axis Powers were advancing on every front. The Allies did not lose heart. They started winning significant defensive military victories at Midway, El Alamein, Stalingrad and Guadalcanal. In February, 1943, the Axis Powers would advance no further.
The Big Three and other allies transformed their societies and economies to produce tanks, artillery, fighter aircraft, aircraft carriers, landing craft and everything else to achieve Allied Victory.
The Big Three set aside major political differences to grind out a common strategy.
Now it is time to step up to the plate again in reversing global warming which is related to everything else. Since this affects everybody, all people in the vast political spectrum can work together.
It is time to make bold demands:
Declare a climate emergency.
Start a world-wide Green New Deal which will also work as an anti-poverty program.
Tax rich individuals and major corporations as we did when Eisenhower was president.
Legislate a high minimum age.
Initiate universal health care.
Enact a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision.
Enact a constitutional amendment to overturn the Dobbs decision.
End food insecurity everywhere. One family in 6 is food insecure. There is no excuse for this. In the US and many other countries, the supermarkets throw away about a third of the harvested food which has the wrong color, shape or some appearance defect that has nothing to do with nutrition. This is a rare problem that can be solved with much imagination and money only in tiny amounts.
The United States has 750 military bases overseas. Keep 100 and close the rest.
The United States has about 5,000 nuclear weapons. Keep 1,000 and decommission the rest.
The American president can start a nuclear war anytime he wants. Start a committee with 15 members, senators and congressmen. Arrange to nuclear codes that would require a majority’s approval.
Make it easier to form unions.
The US has the world’s largest prison population in absolute numbers and per 100,000 habitants. Look for alternative punishment.
Regulate marijuana and some other drugs like we regulate tobacco and alcohol.
No more aid to Israel.
I propose a change in international law. The army that kills or injures non-combatants is responsible for providing medical care and compensation. The army that destroys or damages non-combatant property is responsible for restoration.
There are floods, droughts, hurricanes, wars and other tragedies causing property and human loss. I propose a type of insurance coverage for every man, woman and child. The United Nations would have the funds, equipment and manpower to respond to natural disasters and wars everywhere. The rich countries would have warehouses with food, water, clothes, medicine and tents ready to move to afflicted areas in rich or poor countries. They would also have resources to rebuild homes and infrastructure. The world’s armed forces would be trained to provide logistics and security. Soldiers would attend foreign language classes to learn the language, culture and history of other countries.
May our humanitarian and religious feelings lead us to reverse global warming, abolish poverty and end war forever.
DT will bring misery. There is reason to think that the misery will not be wide-spread. Rick Wilson from the Lincoln Project in 22 minutes explains why. One important reason is the inflation that DT will bring with his tariffs. Listening for about 6 minutes is enough to convey his case.
There is rough language here. When Gilma and I went to Medellin 2008, coarse rough language in public discourse was almost non-existent. Now it is no surprise. DT has moved to contaminate everything that was normal or sacred.
Rick-stradamus Explains It All
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