Brian Thompson’s murder has provoked few tears. There are better ways to do things as seen in this commentary. Sincerely, Ed The Hated US Healthcare System Is Why Government Shouldn’t Be Run Like a Business Because the desire of right-wing billionaires not to pay taxes have prevailed ever since Truman first proposed single-payer healthcare, Americans spend…
Clemency for Federal Inmates on Death Row – Ed O’Rourke
I approve of President Biden’s pardon. Hunter’s offenses were trivial. He was an addict when the offenses occurred. DT and his FBI-designate have promised non-stop revenge. The editors at the National Catholic Reporter advocate clemency for all federal inmates on death row. I gradually turned away the death penalty. What is all boils down to is that…
We Shall Overcome – Ed O’Rourke
We are all disappointed with the election. I ask everyone to have heart, contribute to political and humanitarian causes. When France fell to the Nazis, Lt. General Charles deGaulle announced on the BBC, ‘’We have lost a battle. We have not lost the war.’’ Spring, 1942 was the hardest time in the war for the Allies. The Axis…
Happy Thanksgiving from Ed and Silvia
This is where Mother lived when she married Dad on February 28, 1942. The house still stands in the old Coleman Highlands neighborhood in Kansas City. Those who lived in the Great Depression suffered much not knowing what would come next. Groucho Marx said that he lost $200,000 in the stock market. ‘’ I would have lost…
My Green New Deal Letter to President Biden – Ed O’Rourke
This is what I intend to send to the president on Monday. I will send the same letter to my two senators and congressman. I welcome your comments. Thank you, Ed Dear President Biden: I ask you to announce a climate emergency. Starting a Green New Deal would be one of many steps to reverse global warming…
A Hard Look at the DT Voter – Ed O’Rourke
This commentary runs 11 pages. DT voters knew that he was a life-long criminal who is a pathological liar to boot. I invite you to see these excerpts and then read the whole thing. Sincerely, Ed The electorate affirmed that the worst human being to hold the presidency deserves a second turn in the job. Despite Trump…
Latest Thoughts from Joe Zarantanello – Ed O’Rourke
His godson, James A. Sullivan, passed away. Sincerely, Ed Loose Leaf Hollow Release, Relax & Rest in this Space for Grace MONDAY MORNING MUSING To Melt or Not To Melt?After my godson’s GraduationThe way I’ve come to see it: we all die — and we do not die. Once you are born in this universe,…
The Road Ahead – Part Two – Ed O’Rourke
We have seen from history that projects like the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall do not move societies forward. The best way to resolve the border issues is to start a world-wide Green New Deal whose goals include poverty abolition. The United States is the only country that does not punish the illegal immigrants’…
Laurence Tribe Tells Us about Resistance to DT – Ed O’Rourke
Not mentioned here or other places is that massive deportations will bring inflation when low-cost illegal labor is replaced by higher cost legal labor or no legal workers are interested. Also, tariffs will bring inflation when costumers must buy foreign or domestic goods at a higher price. I hope that Laurence Tribe is right. Sincerely,…
See the Latest Thoughts from Joe Zarantanello – Ed O’Rourke
MONDAY MORNING MUSING Out Beyond “Us and Them” Mental illness is the greatest threat to the well-being of the planet and to the survival of organized human life. We don’t call our ill brothers and sisters“Enemies” just because they value power, profit, possessions or prestige more than people, more than the planet, and even more than the Presence that sustains us all. We…