When I was studying history, I had the idea that the deal was accomplished despite public opinion. The presentation here is that opposition people were in the minority. The business community wanted it to happen. I invite you to see this 17 minute video. The Alaska Purchase – debunking a myth The Alaska Purchase…
Small Towns in Kansas and Missouri – Ed O’Rourke
I have seen many YouTube presentations featuring rural places in Kansas and Missouri. Many places that you will see here are ghost towns, places that had much more population at one time and have only a few individuals now. Silvia and I plan to see Houston, San Antonio, Atchison, Kansas City and Edina this spring. Sincerely,…
Paul Krugman Looks at Rural America – Ed O’Rourke
The times that I spent in Knox County, Missouri and Kerr County, Texas are treasures. Visiting these places and working there for many years can be two different things. Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman gives his thoughts on rural America. I printed the entire commentary for non-subscribers. Sincerely, Ed Can Anything Be Done to Assuage Rural Rage?…
The Best Article That I Have Seen on the Debt – Ed O’Rourke
See this from today’s NY Times. I copied the entire article for non-subscribers. Sincerely, Ed The Real Debt Crisis Is Low Taxes OPINION BINYAMIN APPELBAUMAFTER A BIG SPACE THE ARTICLE BEGINS. ED By Binyamin Appelbaum Mr. Appelbaum is a member of the editorial board.Washington’s favorite show, “Debt Ceiling Chicken,” is playing again in the big white…
Congressman Ted Lieu Looks at Artificial Intelligence – Ed O’Rourke
Artificial intelligence is a big deal that needs thoughtful regulation. This development is like fire, the internal combustion engine or the atom bomb. See the congressman’s commentary from today’s NY Times. I printed the entire article below for non-subscribers. I’m a Congressman Who Codes. A.I. Freaks Me Out. Sincerely, Ed I’m a Congressman Who Codes. A.I….
A 13-Minute Look at Climate Change and the Poor Countries – Ed O’Rourke
The poor countries have gotten the least benefit from industrialization and are paying the biggest price. See more here. Sincerely, Ed Climate damage: How and why rich countries should pay up Climate damage: How and why rich countries should pay up Climate damage: How and why rich countries should pay up Attachments area Preview YouTube video…
A Powerful Ad from the Lincoln Project – Ed O’Rourke
Decision Decision
Walter Cronkite Looked at Houston in 1964 – Ed O’Rourke
I invite you to see this 24 minute presentation. You will see Dan Rather. Sincerely, Ed The Twentieth Century: Deep in the Heart of Houston (1964) https://texasarchive.org/2018_04731
A Book on Renewable Energy – Ed O’Rourke
This book will be useful to building owners, real estate developers and financial investors. Environmentalists will use this as reference. It is simply written. A kid in senior high school can understand it. Sincerely, Ed
The 60 Minutes Report on Nuclear Fusion – Ed O’Rourke
The presentation lasts 13 minutes. I learned much. Ed Nuclear Fusion: Inside the breakthrough that could change our world | 60 Minutes Nuclear Fusion: Inside the breakthrough that could change our world | 60 Minutes Nuclear Fusion: Inside the breakthrough that could change our world | 60… Attachments area Preview YouTube video Nuclear Fusion: Inside the…