About 40% live from paycheck to paycheck. Labor unions have little influence. The federal minimum wage adjusted for inflation is lower than it was in 1968. Suicide rates and drug use increase. Restoring the income tax rates as we had with President Eisenhower would help. Cut the Pentagon budget by 10%. I ask you for your thoughts. I ask…
My Letter to the Edina Sentinel – Ed O´Rourke
Since I started my subscription to the Sentinel, I have realized how important that newspapers are, both in the big city and Knox County. Although the title does not show this, the commentary itself does. I recommend that you raise the advertising and subscription prices to hire a full time employee. I have the idea that there…
ETs and the Pyramids – Ed O’Rourke
Professor Jerry Kroth presents a plausible theory that the ETs designed the pyramids. I have seen such theories before. His idea is that there is archeological evidence showing that the pyramids were built about 6 centuries before currently estimated dates when Egyptian society and hieroglyphics were just getting started. A drawback is that there is needless repetition….
A Look at the Russian Economy – Ed O’Rourke
According to this economists, the Russian economy is in terrible shape. Others says they are weathering the storm despite heavy hits. Sincerely, Ed Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Attachments area Preview YouTube video Russia Economy Collapsing, Says…
Better Measures for Economic Performance – Ed O’Rourke
Robert Reich tells us to see what happens to working families rather than the stock market and traditional indicators. Tax the rich like we did when Ike was president and hire IRS agents to close down the world’s tax havens. Sincerely, Ed The Biggest Economic Lies We’re Told | Robert Reich The Biggest Economic Lies We’re…
See How Ronald Reagan Weaken the Labor Unions – Ed O´Rourke
In almost all countries, the people who hire illegal aliens are hit with heavy fines. In the US, those who hire illegal people are hit with nothing. Corporations like to hire people for low wages and continue exploitation. See the story here. Sincerely, Ed The Republican’s Grand Immigration Con Job The GOP has figured out how…
Asking Progressives to State Their Case – Ed O`Rourke
This is the letter that I will send to Congressman Al Green on Wednesday, 12 noon, Houston time. I am looking for recommendations. Sincerely, Ed We are seeing the greatest wealth disparity in human history. The One Percent have lobbied for low taxes and then put their money in tax havens. Warren Buffett´s secretary pays a higher…
Robert Reich Looks at the Carter Presidency – Ed O´Rourke
Jimmy Carter accomplished much that is easily forgotten. Not mentioned here, Ronald Reagan and George Bush the father made a deal with the Iranians to release the hostages when they were sworn into office. L was When the Iran Contra story broke, this deal became known as plausible. Senator Chris Dodd chose not to open Congressional hearings…
Humane Animal Slaughter Do Not Exist – Ed O’Rourke
Ultimately, even if all animals used for food were properly stunned and equally protected under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, they’d still be raised in misery, and slaughterhouses would still violently kill beings who value their lives just as we value ours. Most farmed animals endure a hellish existence confined with thousands of others…
Greta Thunberg’s Book Covers the Waterfront – Ed O’Rourke
This is the description on Amazon.com: We still have time to change the world. From Greta Thunberg, the world’s leading climate activist, comes the essential handbook for making it happen. You might think it’s an impossible task: secure a safe future for life on Earth, at a scale and speed never seen, against all the…