The Missouri Supreme Court ruled that regulations for factory farms are invalid. The article in the Edina Sentinel refers to them as CAFO, concentrated animal feeding operations. State Representative Greg Sharpe has an ad in every Sentinel with his contact information. Below is the e-mail that I sent to Mr. Sharpe. Factory Farm Legislation Urgently Required…
Guns Don’t Kill Americans — Republicans Do Ed O´Rourke
Guns don’t kill Americans — Republicans do See a few excerpts first. I’d add that we should include mandatory liability insurance, like we do for cars: the insurance companies would then sniff out the “high risk” gun owners and refuse to insure them, thus preventing them from easily and legally owning a gun. (San Jose,…
See the Latest on Geothermal Energy – Ed O’Rourke
This is the environmental section from today’s NY Times, available to subscribers but not to the public. Sincerely, Ed FOR SUBSCRIBERS MARCH 28, 2023 By Hiroko Tabuchi Meet the geothermal champions There’s a lot to like about geothermal energy. It’s clean, it’s renewable and it generates electricity 24/7. It taps heat from Earth’s interior that,…
A Look at Kansas City, Kansas – Ed O’Rourke
I found this video to be interesting. Hopefully, it is accurate. Sincerely, Ed Here’s What Kansas City, Kansas Looks Like These Days | Midwest Road Trip Day 1 Here’s What Kansas City, Kansas Looks Like These Days | Midwest Road Trip Day 1 Here’s What Kansas City, Kansas Looks Like These Days | Midwest Road Tri…
A Tough Look at Mental Health in the United States – Ed O’Rourke
About 40% live from paycheck to paycheck. Labor unions have little influence. The federal minimum wage adjusted for inflation is lower than it was in 1968. Suicide rates and drug use increase. Restoring the income tax rates as we had with President Eisenhower would help. Cut the Pentagon budget by 10%. I ask you for your thoughts. I ask…
My Letter to the Edina Sentinel – Ed O´Rourke
Since I started my subscription to the Sentinel, I have realized how important that newspapers are, both in the big city and Knox County. Although the title does not show this, the commentary itself does. I recommend that you raise the advertising and subscription prices to hire a full time employee. I have the idea that there…
ETs and the Pyramids – Ed O’Rourke
Professor Jerry Kroth presents a plausible theory that the ETs designed the pyramids. I have seen such theories before. His idea is that there is archeological evidence showing that the pyramids were built about 6 centuries before currently estimated dates when Egyptian society and hieroglyphics were just getting started. A drawback is that there is needless repetition….
A Look at the Russian Economy – Ed O’Rourke
According to this economists, the Russian economy is in terrible shape. Others says they are weathering the storm despite heavy hits. Sincerely, Ed Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Russia Economy Collapsing, Says Top Yale University Professor Attachments area Preview YouTube video Russia Economy Collapsing, Says…
Better Measures for Economic Performance – Ed O’Rourke
Robert Reich tells us to see what happens to working families rather than the stock market and traditional indicators. Tax the rich like we did when Ike was president and hire IRS agents to close down the world’s tax havens. Sincerely, Ed The Biggest Economic Lies We’re Told | Robert Reich The Biggest Economic Lies We’re…
See How Ronald Reagan Weaken the Labor Unions – Ed O´Rourke
In almost all countries, the people who hire illegal aliens are hit with heavy fines. In the US, those who hire illegal people are hit with nothing. Corporations like to hire people for low wages and continue exploitation. See the story here. Sincerely, Ed The Republican’s Grand Immigration Con Job The GOP has figured out how…