There is snow in the forecasts for KC, Atchison, Chillocothe and Edina. It looks different in Houston this morning. See you in fall, 2026, Ed and Silvia —– Forwarded Message —– From: Terence O’Rourke <> To: Kathryn O’Rourke <> Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 09:45:43 AM GMT-5 Subject: Springtime in Houston — in the 70s today Zinnias blooming…
DT Inflicts Hard Times on Kansas Farmers – Ed O’Rourke
The original commentary appeared in a news service, Kansas Reflector, an impressive organization that I discovered today. Sincerely, Ed Played for suckers: Kansas farmer blasts Trump voters in scathing editorial
Cheers for the Chiefs – Ed O’Rourke
I am happy when a team that I like makes it to the playoffs. The Chiefs had a spectacular season. The Philadelphia Eagles were an overpowering team last night. See you in fall, 2026, Ed
A Look at How Professional Football Has Changed Over the Decades – Ed O’Rourke
I was wrong by a mile on the Super Bowl. I thought we would have a close game. Sam Pizzagati looks at how professional football has changed over the decades. See these excerpts and then read his commentary. The changes in pro football could hardly be more striking. Today’s players dwarf the size and strength of players…
Judith Durham Tells Us about Danny Boy – Ed O’Rourke
A farmer lost two sons in a war. His third son is leaving home. Hear more from Judith Durham who also sings Danny Boy. Sincerely, Ed Judith Durham Danny Boy (With introduction To Song) 1968 Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain side.The summer’s gone, and all the…
The ETs Have Been Visiting for Many Decades – Ed O’Rourke
Pilots and radar operators encounter ETs every day, aircraft with speeds and maneuverability that no known human-made aircraft can perform. I invite you to watch this 22 minute presentation. Sincerely, Ed “Zero Doubt” Non-Human Intelligence on Earth – Col. Karl Nell & Alex Klokus | SALT iConnections NY
A Hopeful Word from Ralph Nader – Ed O’Rourke
When I send messages like this, I remember the BBC broadcasts to Nazi occupied Europe. See this excerpt from Ralph Nader’s commentary and then read the whole thing. Who’s going to stop him and the rampaging Trumpsters? In a word, The People. Already his polls are dropping. Under direct threat by Trump, the mass media…
Bryan Tyler Cohen Tells Us about Trickle Down Economics – Ed O’Rourke
I was taking economics courses in graduate school in fall, 1969, when I started hearing about trickle down economics. In economics theory, you build a model and provide evidence that what you say will actually work. All I saw in 1969 and since are statements, no model, no evidence. We have the biggest wealth divide in…
US Bishops Criticize DT’s Executive Orders – Ed O’Rourke
See the story here, Ed Statement of Archbishop Broglio on Executive Orders Signed by the President “Our prayer is one of hope that, as a Nation blessed with many gifts, our actions demonstrate a genuine care for our most vulnerable sisters and brothers, including the unborn, the poor, the elderly and infirm, and migrants and…
DT Makes Fact-Free Comments on Wind Power – Ed O’Rourke
Bryan Tyler Cohen looks at DT’s latest observations on wind power and solar power. He goes to talk about the oligarchy running our country. Trump descends into CONFUSED, unhinged meltdown We shall overcome, Ed Attachments area Preview YouTube video Trump descends into CONFUSED, unhinged meltdown Trump descends into CONFUSED, unhinged meltdown