I have read for many years that fossil fuel companies receive $6 trillion in subsidies but have seen virtually no detail. I invite you to see this 12 minute presentation: The TRUTH about fossil fuel subsidies. The TRUTH about fossil fuel subsidies.The TRUTH about fossil fuel subsidies.
Desert Reclamation – Amazing Stories – Ed O’Rourke
YouTube has been showing many presentations on desert reclamation that seem too good to be true. Especially interesting is the last one about the Chinese lady and her husband. Sincerely, Ed How the Sahara Desert is Turning into a Farmland Oasis – GREENING THE DESERT PROJECT How Sahara Fog Nets are Making Abundant Water in…
Earth Day and Our Animals – Ed O´Rourke
What we eat has a big effect on global warning. Peter Singer presents a new idea, an environmental tax on animal food to pay for climate damage. See this excerpt and then read the entire article. Admittedly, slowing climate change would be much easier — and fairer — if governments were to tax animal products in proportion…
Poverty in America as Matthew Desmond Sees It – Ed O´Rourke
You will have a brutal uncomfortable time reading the sample from Amazon.com. I bought David Shipler´s The Working Poor in 2007 and reached page 25. I could go no further. At one time, slavery, torture, wife beating, debt prisons, child abuse and animal cruelty were standard operating procedure. They are now illegal everywhere. I hope that the rich countries would…
Good News from Germany – Ed O’Rourke
On Saturday, April 15, 2023, the Germans shut down their last three nuclear power plants. Greenpeace and others have been working on the de-commissioning for decades. Nuclear power has always been the most expensive and dangerous. The Comanche Peak nuclear plant near Dallas was supposed to cost $779 million to be completed in 5 years. Fifteen…
Human Survival on Earth – The Latest from Noam Chomsky – Ed O’Rourke
The One Percent are working on a detailed plan to destroy life on Earth. I remember movies on the Wannsee Konferenz where the Nazis refined their Holocaust efforts. The fossil fuel companies, the military industrial complex, banks and Wall Street want to continue business as usual which will extinguish life on our planet by 2050. I…
Looking Forward to Visiting Knox County in October
Terry and I visited during the summer in 1959 and 1961. There were several memorable events at the VFW Hall in Novelty, Friday night at the Auction Barn and Sunday Mass at St. Joseph’s. If there were a Red Holman fan club, Terry and I would have joined. The Google Map photos are treasures. I include…
The Runaway Pentagon Budget – Ed O´Rourke
Some years back there was a fictional story about a hibernation experiment. A gentleman in the story woke up 100 years later to find that he was the only smart person on the planet. Everybody had been dumbed down. Nowadays about 90% are dumbed down. Our society is addicted to the Pentagon budget like heronin addicts. See…
The Coleman Highlands – A 4 Minute Tour – Ed O’Rourke
The Coleman Highlands is an especially pretty place. The neighborhood tour lasts about 4 minutes followed by a look at a home’s interior. The Glynn family lived at 3300 Karnes Blvd. See you in October, Ed and Silvia Kansas City neighborhood tour Coleman Highlands – Living in Kansas City Kansas City neighborhood tour Coleman Highlands –…
Nuns in Big Numbers Have Spoken for the LGBTQ+ Community – Ed O´Rourke
See the story here along with the commentary´s introduction. Sincerely, Ed Nun coalition rebels against anti-trans stance of Catholic leadership Nun coalition rebels against anti-trans stance of Catholic leadership Nun coalition rebels against anti-trans stance of Catholic leadershipA large coalition of Catholic nuns has issued a public letter supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender-expan… A large…