I feel that the ETs have been visiting for many decades and perhaps for many centuries. The US government, especially the defense establishment, has kept the lid on through ridicule and intimidation. Pilots´ observations and radar readings show aircraft that travel at 10,300 miles per hour that can submerge and turn at right angles. Just about all…
A Lived Happily Ever After Story – Ed O´Rourke
This story in the New York Times caught my eye. Denmark will have a new queen and king. See the story here, Ed Denmark’s Next Queen Is a Progressive, Common-Born Former Australian “I don’t recall wishing that one day I would be a princess,” Princess Mary told reporters. “I wanted to be a veterinarian.” Denmark’s Next…
Another Look at the Confederacy – It Was Worse Than I Thought – Ed O´Rourke
Nikki Haley´s recent remarks about the Civil War has shown how tough shape the Republican Party is in. In 1861, there was not a single public school in the Confederacy. Thom Hartman wrote a commentary showing that life in the South was hard for all but the richest people. See this excerpt and then the commentary….
Environmentalists Appreciate Pope Francis – Ed O´Rourke
Environmentalists Appreciate Pope Francis – Ed O´Rourke Many environmentalists are Pope Francis fans. American Gaia, representing umpteen organizations wrote a thank you letter. See these excerpts and see the source at: https://americangaia.me/004-pope-francis/ Sincerely, Ed You also explain that humans depend on one another. Using the term “human ecology” (in contrast to the natural ecology that puts humans…
An Extensive Look at America´s Broken System Dealing with Addiction – Ed O´Rourke
Today´s NY Times offers a long article about efforts to deal with addiction in the US and suggested improvements. Here are some excerpts: “The entire system sets you up to fail,” she said, “and then blames you for failing, over and over, until you give up.” Part of the problem is certainly the reluctance of…
December 8 – A Religious and National Holiday in Colombia
December 7 evening is the time when people turn on their Christmas lights. There are family and neighborhood gatherings with many candles and decorations. The celebrations are usually in your front yard. It may be the happiest evening in the year. We had friends for dinner last night and I toured the neighborhood later to see the…
Pope Francis Tells Everybody that Global Warming Is Serious – Ed O´Rourke
In his latest statement, Laudate Deum, Pope Francis is asking everybody to take global warming as serious business. See excerpts and the link to his latest declaration. Sincerely, Ed The Global Climate Crisis 5. Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or relativize the issue, the signs of climate change are here and increasingly…
A Look at the Area Sea, Now a Desert – Ed O´Rourke
When I was a child in the 1950s, the Aral Sea was the world´s fourth largest fresh water lake. Now it is a desert in all but name. Over the decades, Soviet authorities diverted rivers that flowed into the sea to irrigate cotton and other crops. The world’s fourth-largest inland body of water — which covered…
Robert Reich Looks at US Capitalism – Ed O´Rourke
Three men have as much wealth as 160 million Americans. The world´s richest 8 men have as much wealth as 3.6 billion people. You do not see any discussion on this. See Robert Reich´s commentary. Sincerely, Ed Beyond Trump: Why American capitalism is so rotten
Pope Francis Tells Everybody that Global Warming Is Serious – Ed O´Rourke
Pope Francis Tells Everybody that Global Warming Is Serious – Ed O´Rourke In his latest statement, Laudate Deum, Pope Francis is asking everybody to take global warming as serious business. See excerpts and the link to his latest declaration. Sincerely, Ed The Global Climate Crisis 5. Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or…