When I send messages like this, I remember the BBC broadcasts to Nazi occupied Europe.
See this excerpt from Ralph Nader’s commentary and then read the whole thing.
Who’s going to stop him and the rampaging Trumpsters?
In a word, The People. Already his polls are dropping. Under direct threat by Trump, the mass media is not all going to turn into Fox News. The stories of the pain, deprivation, and chaotic sadism imposed on totally innocent American families and workers will generate spontaneous resistance that translates into lower consumer buying amid higher inflation and the instability that small businesses dread. Even Chambers of Commerce will recoil at yet more tax dollars being unavailable for public infrastructure and instead going for more weapons of mass destruction to enlarge the military state.
Dictator Donald Thinks He’s Invincible; He’s Not
Unless he changes course, he will be brought down by corruption throughout his ranks, plunging polls, resistance by many states, and a Congressional GOP realizing that it is their political skin or Trump’s.