What climate scientists have been saying for years has now hit with all its violence and fury. Our precious planet is in a death spiral.
I am asking President Biden to announce a national emergency to reverse global warming. This would entail reducing the bloated Pentagon budget by 50% and raising income taxes on rich individuals as we had when Eisenhower was president.
I have seen imaginative land reclamation and water harvesting in many countries on YouTube.
Ask undeveloped countries to identify projects where the US would pay 80% and the locals would pay 20%. Fund the Great Green Wall in Africa.
President Biden should ask the United Nations, the European Union, Pope Francis, Wall Street, Russia, China and India to join in.
Working together, the Allies achieved military victory over the Axis Powers. The threat facing us now is even more insidious. Working together, we can get to there from here.
I will be send this e-mail to President Biden, the two senators and my congressman this week.